Postcode: OL6 7LP
This page provides all the information about postcode OL6 7LP, including postal information, location information, and other information.
OL6 7LP Postal Information
OL6 7LP belongs to the Oldham postcode area in England. All mail sent to this postal code is delivered by this postcode area.
Postcode Area:
OL6 7LP Administrative Division
The postcode OL6 7LP is located in England.
OL6 7LP Map
The postcode OL6 7LP is located at 53.486973, -2.095071. You can find the approximate location of the postcode on the map.
OL6 7LP Nearby Postcodes
Postcode | Distance (km) |
OL6 7NB | 0.03 |
OL6 7LQ | 0.04 |
OL6 7LD | 0.05 |
OL6 7LZ | 0.05 |
OL6 7NF | 0.05 |
OL6 7LU | 0.06 |
OL6 7LJ | 0.06 |
OL6 7NA | 0.07 |
OL6 7LB | 0.08 |
OL6 7LH | 0.09 |
OL6 7LR | 0.10 |
OL6 7NE | 0.11 |
OL6 7ND | 0.12 |
OL6 7JY | 0.13 |
OL6 7JX | 0.31 |