Postcode: NP12 0PP
This page provides all the information about postcode NP12 0PP, including postal information, location information, and other information.
NP12 0PP Postal Information
NP12 0PP belongs to the Newport postcode area in Wales. All mail sent to this postal code is delivered by this postcode area.
NP12 0PP
Postcode Area:
NP12 0PP Administrative Division
The postcode NP12 0PP is located in Wales.
NP12 0PP Map
The postcode NP12 0PP is located at 51.716179, -3.221946. You can find the approximate location of the postcode on the map.
NP12 0PP Nearby Postcodes
Postcode | Distance (km) |
NP12 0PY | 1.40 |
NP12 0QA | 1.40 |
NP12 0PS | 1.42 |
NP12 0PT | 1.44 |
NP12 0PU | 1.59 |
NP12 0PZ | 1.62 |
NP12 0QB | 1.64 |
NP12 0PR | 1.67 |
NP12 0QD | 1.73 |
NP12 0PX | 1.79 |
NP12 0PW | 1.83 |
NP12 0QE | 1.85 |
NP12 0QG | 1.97 |
NP12 0QF | 2.01 |
NP12 0NU | 4.67 |
NP12 0NX | 5.55 |
NP12 0PA | 5.56 |
NP12 0NW | 5.58 |
NP12 0NZ | 5.61 |
NP12 0NY | 5.64 |
NP12 0PB | 5.68 |
NP12 0PJ | 5.76 |
NP12 0PG | 5.80 |
NP12 0PH | 5.83 |
NP12 0PQ | 5.85 |
NP12 0PF | 6.02 |
NP12 0PD | 6.05 |
NP12 0PN | 6.08 |
NP12 0PE | 6.11 |
NP12 0PL | 6.23 |