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This is the Shropshire,Wales, United Kingdom Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.

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Postcode Place Name Admin Name 2
SY15 Pentreheyling Shropshire
SY15 Woodmoor Shropshire
SY15 Chirbury Shropshire
SY15 Priestweston Shropshire
SY15 Middleton Shropshire
SY2 Sutton Shropshire
SY21 Marton Shropshire
SY22 Crosslanes Shropshire
SY22 Maesbrook Shropshire
SY22 Melverley Green Shropshire
SY22 Melverley Shropshire
SY3 Bicton Shropshire
SY3 The Isle Shropshire
SY3 Bicton Heath Shropshire
SY3 Bayston Hill Shropshire
SY3 Great Lyth Shropshire
SY3 Meole Brace Shropshire
SY3 Shelton Shropshire
SY4 Wem Shropshire
SY4 Petton Shropshire

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